Sunday, September 26, 2010
Luck Thank god! No need to take any supp paper:) I didn't know that result was out ytd! I think it's because I don't have my lappy around and it seems like I'm out of this world for awhile. Haha. There it goes. Mbs: C Consumer behavior: A Mkting research: B+ Creative campaign proj: C+ Financial aspect of mkting: B Freehand drawing: B Apel and entrepreneur pass 7modules gone! Saturday, September 25, 2010
Half-died Last night is like the worst night. I can't fall asleep. When I sit up, I will feel like vomiting. I vomited for more than 5 times, having diarrhea too. Body temp very weird too. Feel cold for a moment then feel hot after that. Wth! Even water I also can't drink cos end up will vomit out. What's wrong! Supposed to work today but this morning I really couldn't take it so I took mc. Feel like dying... My mom seen me in such a condition was worried. My lip is freaking red:/ now have to wait for the long queue to see doc with my mom. Legs feels wobbly:( Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wooooo Going sentosa hotel ! For what? I've no idea. Xinyi asked us to join them. Hope that it will be fun because it's being so long since I last step in sentosa(except for USS). Appreciated. Well, recently was busy with work. And having less time for myself. But it's all worthwhile IF I'm gonna save up those bucks. Watched some movies lately. The best is grown up. Going the distance quite nice too. Love watching movies! To think of it, I'm gonna turn 19 on the 19th! Less than a mth time. Seriously I swear, time passed super duper fast. It's like crazy! I still rmb celebrating Xmas and counting down 2009... And now it's almost the end of sept!!! Things changes over time. And now my life is so much diff as compared to the beginning of 2010. And I love it. I seriously need to repair my lappy which died on me 2mths back. Was saying that I'm gonna repair and bla but it's still laying in my room! Lol! Sorry for the long post because it's been ages since I last upload photos and all. blame iPhone cos I can't upload photos;( Have a good night peepoo~
Worthwhile It's like something beyond words... Till now, I still don't know what should I do? Friday, September 17, 2010 I feel like crying:( really. It's just scary. How I wish this person wouldn't be the problem to us. Better not mess with my life. It almost hit my limit already. Try harder. Controlling my anger. sucker. I want to put braces! Can I can I? :( I don't like my teeth. Totally. But I would have to pay it myself :/ how to save? Lol. A big qns mark??? It's sooooo hard for me to save up. I was thinking of saving 20% of my pay last mth but now have to spend it because I have to buy a new pair of yrly lens. Unforeseen circumstances again. Well, conclusion is that I don't think I can get my braces done before 2011 begins:/ Perhaps life is fair somehow at this moment... When you lose something important in life, you will gain another one along the way, even better than what you lose in the beginning... I guess and hope so... Thursday, September 09, 2010 Everything has a limit... Don't overdo it... Today, I don't want to stop you even though I could have do that... I just hope that after some time, people will become more considerate... Everything has a limit... Don't overdo it... Today, I don't want to stop you even though I could have do that... I just hope that after some time, people will become more considerate... Tuesday, September 07, 2010 It's great to have you around though it's silent now:) haha!
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Good job I think I'm really crazy. This whole week except wedn, I've been working full day... It's really tiring. But I'm still able to hang on. It's rly rare to see myself so motivated to work so I shall see how long I can hold on! Haha! What should buy on private sales? Lol. I know you are the right one but it's just the matter of time and someone...
Saturday, September 04, 2010 The issue is still there. I tried but... How long will I have to wait? Thursday, September 02, 2010
Future tense Talking about my future, I've nothing much to say... Everything it's great now and I know it won't last... It all depends on me but I have no confidence that I can feel..... The feeling simply sucks. How I truly feel inside, I think I'm not gonna say it out. I'll be fine. I'm pretty sure about it. |
Peishan♥♥♥ 19 Oct '91 Love @ 5th Sept '08 :D Temasek Poly BSG "You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving..."
Everything that make me happy ;D
HuiLing YanTing WeiMing Joanne YaJun Cassandra Rebecca QiaoFeng YiTze Vikae XiuMing LiuHwa Eileen XueTing Elizabeth BingShan ![]() January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 Designer : Chili. x o x o |