Friday, April 30, 2010
:D ART ART ART Received on behalf of my mom! Kidding! Mother's day is coming:D Drank one alr, tml drinking another ok? HAHA Did my hw just this morning! Bad student! I know it's awful, i only like shading! HOHO Thot that i bought so many types of pencils will not miss out any but i miss out 8B! LOL Shading tone! I anyhow shade ! Esp the rectangle! Jia you! My first ear hole is getting bigger! Darn! I'm gonna have those long long ear hole like 60 yrs old lady.... How? After a week+, my hair is still short:( lol, i know it wont grow fast! PS: Gonna wake up at 7 am! ARH! GD NIGHTS! Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Well, i know i shld be doing my drawing now! But i'm freaking lazy and tired! HAHA! Shall post what i did in class! Hilarous! I'm learning some programming now! I'm lovin it! But hope i can pay attention and do well in my MBS! HAHA:D Omg! It's really funny! HAHAHAHA! I anyhow play with the program called "Alice"!!!! FUN! Oh ya! Thanks to Cheryl! I gotten some apps free :D YAY! Cooking mama! YJ! Lend u play tml!!!!!!! WOOHOOO! I didn't do much purchase because the card belong to someone else! Gd way to save $$$
MAC The viewfinder i made! But i failed to complete my drawing! So gonna do it before thurs! LOL! I'm a lazy bug! This is funny! Cn took it! i don't know why i give this expression! As though i'm having a hard time reading the notes! LOL! Went to a speech given by PILOT PEN! Pretty cool but boring! HAHA! I'm a good girl, i actually take down notes okay! HAHA! Whatever! Having fun with YAJUN:D Monday, April 26, 2010
:D Went to CitySquare! with cn! HAHA! 'Cos i wanna buy my draawing stuff:D ShuYuan drew this when we were having lect! Cute! Bought this apple from POPULAR:D Looked for it for awhile! I have a pinky heart at home too! Ignore my fatty face! I'm damn concentrating to complete it! Not as easy as it seems! HAHA! I think we struggle for like an hour? Maybe shorter? LOL TADA! HERE IT IS! DAMN CUTE RIGHT! Bought this set of pencils! Expensive! Around $15 for few pencils-_- LOL! Feel like i'm a design student;) PS: Nth much today! HAHA! Tml will be better!:D Turning in soon... Feeling damn tired lately! Don't know why! GD NIGHTS PEEPS!
Sunday, April 25, 2010 Pic for th day:D Bought it for a bucks from an old lady @ 313! So tired! Met cn for dinner at far east:D My fav bee hoon kueh! Tml sch starts again... Gonna start going to Tut and Lects! HAHA! Study hard! Play harder! Tml must go buy those stuff needed for my freehand drawing! Gd nights PEEPOOOOO,,,, though i'm not turning in yet! :D
Tired! Work Work & still Work:D Played this game ytd, we thot was scrumble(correct spelling?) but was actually a overlapping words game... LOL. But only after we ended the game den we realised it-_- HA! I painted my nails, like finally... LOL. Was pretty cold in Oc so i got these! I ate maggie mee for dinner but there's customer so i left it there till is like damn awful alr! Didn't eat much and wasted food... Sorry earth! HAHA! I feel like sleeping the whole day at work so bought a cup of tea but isn't useful at all! LOL. So for the entire day, i only ate some stupid maggie mee and a cup of tea! Kind of hungry now! HAHA! My hair is kind of short now:( Ps: Shall slp soon! Tml working in the morning and meeting cn after that:) for movie perhaps?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
HELLOHELLOHELLO~ First freehand drawing lesson on Thurs, was pretty fun but it's not as easy as it seems! But having great time with Eileen:D 3 hrs of lesson, we spent 1 hr to buy a sketch book + 1 2B pencil @ bookshop! There's so much other stuff we have to buy by next week! I hvae a list ! HAHA! Oh ya! I have one homework for that! Bought this NORMAL sketch book at $6.20, the papers were the same as NORMAL one-_- I shld buy the 8 grams.... My new pencil case! After every "art" piece, we have to sign off! As though we are artists right! Cool! Basic drawings! i had alr draw several of it when i was taking D&T in Sec! We have to draw objects in our pencil case, so i picked those easier to draw! LOL I bet u PEEPOO will laugh at this, i did laughed too! HAHAHA... Well, this is so called "blind drawing" which we can't look at what we draw and can't lift up the pencil until we are done with the drawing! So we could only focus on my left hand! So it turned out like this! My hair is so short! I mean not exactly those kind of short but as compared to last time... Well, new hair is a new start? okok,crap.... HAHA! There's a reason for taking this pic, only some of u will notice.... SHHH! HOHO! This an artisitc moment of yajun's spare phone! If u have read my previous post, the orange dot actually moves! WTH right? HAHA! Kind of creepy... lol. Don't sad, yajun! Gonna work today:D Slept at 5 am and woke up at 1 pm. Passed Nina Ricci to Isabel as her 18th birthday present! C: So pretty right! HAHA! Then, watched "bounty hunter" with Skip at grand cathay:D,,, HAHA! Fun! Met cn after that :D Well, didn't make it to teach in Sec sch today! LY said very fun but..... next week? See how! HAHA Thursday, April 22, 2010 My HP lappy! Hope it won't die soon pls! There's some problem with the speakers! Sometime it's louder and sometime it's not! Plus, my Cap lock key no lighting beside it anymore-_- Gonna go repair before May!
Early bird? I just woke up! HAHA! Lesson @ 2pm! So decided to use my lappy awhile... Later after work = work @ OC;D Ah.... I still feel tired, why? LOL... Well, later going for my freehand drawing! Just hope that it's fun, i have eileen with me so..... :) PS: you wanted all these,,,, and you granted all....... so be happy....
Crocs Well, all i can say is: "my mom is cute la!" I think she's hinting me that Mother's day is coming soon and wanted me to buy her smth... She asked me to show her what's new on Crocs website. She likes this pair of slippers i guess! Gonna buy her :D She sat beside me just now and look at me using comp, weird ! HAHA! So i ask her to go sleep:) I still rmb when i was young when i used to draw mother's day cards for my mom and buy her a rose and gave her a kiss! HAHA! Sweet eh!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Black sucks! Okay i know i'm dumb.... HAHA! Well, went to coloured and cut my hair this afternoon! My hair is seriously so much shorter than before! :( I wanna go wave it but now i don't think can:( LOL! Then, my hair is like highlighted! Wth,,,, thanks to me... I dyed before black, BLACK! and can't easily absorb other colour now! Serve me right! My hair sucks now! BUT, whatever! HAHA! SO PPL, NVR EVER DYE BLACK, u can dye medium brown or smth but not BLACK! I'm a live example, a guinea pig! HAHA! But, it's okay! That's life:D PS: Added some songs to my blog playlist, i love it! Labels: stupidfool Harley Davidson! Damn cool~ The bikes cost like more than $30,000.... Ytd my Consumer behaviour lecturer shown us lots of videos about it..... Still, riding a bike is dangerous! PS: i shall go read through the lect notes which i didn't attend on monday! Next week onwards no skipping of lects! PEISHAN! LOL! BBe punctual too!
zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Okay, i break my promise and all... Well. promise are meant to be broken isn't? HA! I was suppose to be in APEL class now but somehow i'm just freaking lazy and woke up just only even cn morning called me at 8am! wth... Somehow i wasn't feeling great and feel so apathetic to do anything! So, decided to go see a doc for MC 'cos i don't want my attendance to be 2 digits! Lame, i know... Damn funny man! I was thinking how to tell cn abt this 'cos i keep propaganda him that lects are impt and all but..... i myself didn't went for some much lessons today! So i told him and he told me he woke up late and he didn't went to sch too... He was thinking how to tell me abt it! LOL! It's a joke! Hees...... Well, my ankle sucks! Need to wear the ankle supporter every night before i go to bed! Sad case... Ankle ankle,,,, when will u recover? So that i can run and jump again.... Haha! Sounded like a kid! LOL. PS: GOOD NEWS TO SHARE! I'M NOT ALONE IN FREEHAND DRAWING CLASS! Eileen is with me man! So happy^^ WOOHOOO! Can't wait to start my sketching and holding on to a pencil on Thurs! YEA! PSPS: Friday gonna go Fish&Co. to eat seafood, sure cn? LOL.'ll try...... HA!
I ♥ Marketing, maybe? I hope? HAHA The badge that the lecturers gave us! Trying to propaganda us! But i really hope i'll like it soon and YaJun too! HAHA! I ♥ the lectures actually, lots of interesting advertisements to watch! (Y) driver, not bad eh YAJUN! you can actually recognise the roads and all! If i will to drive, i'll waste lots of petrol! So, i have reconsider whether to get a license! HAHA! Thanks for ur free ride to sch and Newton! Yajun's spare phone! Damn funny! There's this orange thingy on the screen and it will spread after some time... Which means the screen cannot be seen! It happens to be last time when i was using Samsung flip phone! @ Newton circle with XINYI! ♥♥♥ My pri/sec classmates/neighbour(though we wasn't staying the same floor)/bestfriend/chat mate......... for 12 yrs and counting on:D Okay, today was as usual... Not much things going on. But overall was great since i have free rides and ate mac for supper*fats* and met cn and xy after sch:D
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
:) I really wanted to play some sports games but my right ankle don't allow me to:( I tried to run a little but it's painful somehow! Gonna do smth about it! I told me class rep, Jane, that i won't be able to play... Sad! Right ankle, can u pls recover asap? Anyway! Free ride from Yajun later on! She will be fetching me to school later at 3 pm! Thanks love! I wanna change my timetable so that i don't have to go sch for the entire Thurs! But don't think there's any other time slot for free hand drawing! I want to work tml! PS: Today my Astriel colleagues will be going out to eat tze cha! I didn't join because i have smth on later after sch... PLUS! I don't eat seafood! Not sure whether i'm allegic or what. But i'm gonna try eating some, but not Oysters pls! LOL Bye ppl! Just woke up ! Class starting at 4 pm so......... I still can rot at home for 3 hrs or so:D I don't feel like going for this lect, like damn waste of time but! Can't skip lects 'cos that's what i always told cn~ So, i can't be asking him to do smth which i wasn't doing it.... lol. But thinking of those never ending projects coming along, i seriously don't feel like going to sch... What to do? That's life:) Will be meeting xy and cn after sch! Tml's captain's ball game! Jia you!
My blog is still alive! Sunday A day out with ASTRIANS! HAHA! In case u guys don't get what i mean, Astrian = Ppl working in Astriel! I know that's lame but it's pretty cool isn't? HAHA! It's Cheryl's Bday! :D We went to 313, Icing room and D.I.Y the cake for her:) Fun! Cute right~ I drewed the cherries! Ate our supper at 8.30? CHERYL! With her bday balloons! HAHA Corny soup Chicken Caesar Original Duck Free ice-creams served by the staff there, sweet! It's always fun hanging out with them cos they make my day! We can laugh non-stop! Great:) First day of Sem 2.1 Gummies to start my day rigth ! Was pretty early today! Went to meet my careperson and all... My previous classmates! I wanna be in the same class as them! I knew no one in my class! But i have made a few friends today:D YAJUN! She bought these from HK, i chose the blue/green one:D Thanks ya! MASKS! I gained weights this holiday! Shit! On diet starts from tml! HAHA! Maybe? I think i have spam my post with lots of pics! HAHA! And tml my sch starts at 4 pm because we don't need to attend Tut for the first week! Well, guess what! I'll be playing Captain's Ball for Mkting Students this wed! It's been so long since i last exercise! Problem is.... I totally forgotten that my right ankle haven even recover yet! God bless me not to injure myself that day pls! Or else i think my ankle will nvr recover:( Watched DateNight with cn last night, was awesome! Quite funny and all... Gonna catch Iron man2, IpMan2, BountyHunter........ Well, this holiday i watched quite a lots of movie;How to train your dragons, Whip It, Kick-Ass, Confucius.......... My class was okay and we kind of rmb each other name alr, not bad eh...:D PS: Hope today will be great!
Peishan♥♥♥ 19 Oct '91 Love @ 5th Sept '08 :D Temasek Poly BSG "You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving..."
Everything that make me happy ;D
HuiLing YanTing WeiMing Joanne YaJun Cassandra Rebecca QiaoFeng YiTze Vikae XiuMing LiuHwa Eileen XueTing Elizabeth BingShan January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 Designer : Chili. x o x o |