Saturday, January 27, 2007
Today, de trailblazer courses had ended, ytd i spelled it wrongly -_- actually i think is quite fun la as it really do help me understand more about my class. today i really found tat i'm stubborn, it's good or bad thing? not sure too. anyway, just now listening to yes933 as Fahrenheit reached s'pore & had interviewed them :) sunday can see them and take pictures of them too^^ also, i had brought all their 3 albums. and Show is also coming s'pore real soon. ok, i will think i will stop here first :) *off to write letters*
Friday, January 26, 2007 recently, i'm quite busy. for nothing actually. lol. i didn't have de time to PO mostly is because i'm lazy. well, i felt Rain's concert was quite perfect as he could dance for almost 2 hours even he had injured his arm during his concert in hong kong. but he's really put in alot of efforts to do his best as we all could see it too. and he's really CUTE :) umm, will load Rain's concert photos soon. this few days, sec 4n are having trabilizer courses to let us understand more about how our brains functions. it's quite interesting as they will show a few funny videos to us and it's really very funny. we were also separated into groups and doing group works together. anyway, last week when i was walking to my classroom in de morning and saw de person when i'm walking up... tat day i was quite happy for almost de whole day. LOL. tat's lame actually :D the most wonderful things to me this new year is tat i finally out of choir^^ but is my own view la, perhaps it might be a good cca to others. & i joined comp club which i think it's better, even de teachers-in-charge and ppls there. haha. i think i will stop here as i need to do other things, bye~ ps: tml Fahrenheit is coimng to town. YEAH!!!! Sunday, January 21, 2007 this few days, i'm sick & can't concentrate on anything much. i hate to get sick, de only reason is that i hate to eat pills. lol. but no choice, after all i still have to eat to recover much faster as fahrenheit is coming to s'pore next week & i hope i can recover asap. well, my flu is recoving but my cough seems to be getting worser >.< anyway, i'm going with yanting to Rain's concert tml :) thanks to her who got free tickets from her sis. i think de concert must be quite nice cos de tickets sell so ex ! got to complete all my homeworks by today. and we all decided not to go to fahrenheit's fans gathering le. cos we can't get de tickets & de kbox s.h.e package is a bit ex, $188. quite sad but nvrm, at least we still can see them in de autography session. i think i will stop here le. and will upload pictures of Rain's concert :D ps: 1 more week to see fahrenheit in person !!!! woot~ Tuesday, January 16, 2007 sad! can't get de entry passes for de k union fans gathering. de only way is to buy a package in kbox which costs $188 O.O how? but i REALLY wanted to go! but even we have de money but only 4 tickets & passes given. only two ways to solve this prob : 4 persons go or find 3 more ppls to buy another package & all of us could go but WHO? i keep thinking of this matter & make me frustrated. omg ! wat should we do?!?! nrvm, try to solve this matter asap ba. i think i will stop here le. byebye~
Sunday, January 14, 2007 today, i company xinyi & huiling to go salon cut hairs. den went to eat lunch + dinner with my sis. after tat, went home sleep Zzz... woke up around 7 pm. this few days i'm searcing forums to look out how to have an entry passes to fahrenheit's fans gathering @ k union. but de tv shown tat with de entry pass tat i bought together with their album den can go in but is limited ppls. i really wished to go. but need k union pass! how to get it?!?! but i'm sure to go to their evening autography session on sunday. happy^^ anyway, 轉角遇*到愛 seems to be very nice so i'm going yotube to watch. xiao zhu is de main character! and ytd i have english lesson, actually my english teacher is quite ok & lesson is not tat boring as i thot. but need to do eng holiday homeworks by next monday. well, i'm so happy right now... cos i'm already in de mood to see fahrenheit in person! LOL. end here ml den PO, good nights :) ps: 花樣少年少女 is showing on channel u soon, must watch & is really funny. Thursday, January 11, 2007 stress ! now in this class, we seems to be more stressed than last year and can't really relax. ok, anyway fahrenheit is coming s'pore de next few weeks. so happy :D can take a close look at them. lol. must save money to buy their 3rd version de album & i had already bought de pervious 2 versions. yanting, xinyi, linying, huiling & me are going to make tee shirtswith printing of fahrenheit's animae. ya, i think so. well, my class is getting funnier i think. ok, i think i'll stop here. *off to do my homeworks* Saturday, January 06, 2007 start blogging again! lol. i last PO was around last year i think. but now suddenly feel like blogging again. maybe it's because life started to be more boring as we are de first trying out de two train plan. it's a risk i think cos if we can't do well in 'o' level den we will not get cert. which mean tat de only cert we had is PSLE -_-lll no use? well, let's start with wad happen this 3 days of sch... 1st day as usual, i'm again going to be late for school >_< ok, den let me say about my class first. actually, i thot tat 4n2 will be quite fun but de only words i can said is BORING. cos quite a number of them are from 3n2 & only some from 3n3. which makes me felt tat 3n3 is better but of cos not as fun as 2n1. after school, we went to linying's house den back home to watch my fav show 娛樂百分百. it's really funny when xiao zhu & xiao gui chatting about xiao zhu's mother thot he's taking drugs. haha. but it's not true & de newspapers write is all FAKE. they spoiled de reputation of him too. QQ" 2nd day boring day again. let's talk about my subjects teachers first. well, my eng teacher is mrs thiru but i really felt de way she taught is very boring & she speaks so soft even with her microphone -.-? she wanted us to write a compo to see how our standard are. she asked as to plan but we could not hear it cos she talks so softly tat we can't hear clearly. she said: u all must do planning first before writing compo. my class said: HUH?!?! (cos most of us can't hear her voice) she said: do a plan. my class said: huh?!?! she said: u all never heard before wad is planning is it? ok, den we finally heard wad she said. & i think she didn't know tat her voice is really too soft. started writing essay, i anyhow wrote cos my compo always fail & i don't know wad to write. after tat, mrs wong told us tat our history teacher is MR MALCOM TAN^^ happy! he's really funny & de way he teach is quite fun. 3rd day ` today today i have my history lesson in level 2 & de way mr tan speak is still as funny as last 2 years in 2n1. den nothings much anyway. but my class is getting much more funny than de 1st day of school :) ps: fahrenheit is coming to s'pre @ end of this month! woot! ^-^ |
Peishan♥♥♥ 19 Oct '91 Love @ 5th Sept '08 :D Temasek Poly BSG "You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving..."
Everything that make me happy ;D
HuiLing YanTing WeiMing Joanne YaJun Cassandra Rebecca QiaoFeng YiTze Vikae XiuMing LiuHwa Eileen XueTing Elizabeth BingShan January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 Designer : Chili. x o x o |